Sheriff's Office

elected Sheriff / Coroner
Robert C. Skorupa
(R) 2023-2026
20 4th Avenue SW, Suite 109, Conrad, Montana 59425-2351
(located on the lower level of the Courthouse)
Emergency Calls
Robert Skorupa, Sheriff/Coroner
(406) 271-4060
(406) 271-2039 fax
Robert Bender, Undersheriff
(406) 271-4060
(406) 271-2039 fax
Brandy Egan, Administrative Assistant
(406) 271-4060
(406) 271-2039 fax
The sheriff’s office is responsible for a variety of duties related to enforcing state and local laws. Typical responsibilities include: investigations of all crimes committed in the County, preserving the peace, attendance at all courts and carry out court orders, patrol all County roads, animal control, serving all civil processes and warrants of arrest, collecting delinquent taxes, and overseeing the detention center.
The Sheriff’s office also provides many services not specifically required by law, such as: livestock/branding inspections, along with drug and violence education. In addition, the Sheriff functions as the head of the Search and Rescue.
Montana Sheriff's and Peace Officers Association
Montana Law Enforcement Academy