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Code Red



Emergency Notifications​


Pondera County utilizes the CodeRED emergency notification service to quickly notify residents and businesses in geographical areas of time-sensitive and emergency situations by email, text, phone messages, social media posts, and through the free CodeRED mobile alert app.


Messages regarding the safety, property, or welfare of the community will be disseminated using the CodeRED system, such as AMBER alerts, notifications of hazardous traffic or road conditions, boil water advisories, and/or evacuation notices.


How to Register


The CodeRED Enrollment button above links you to a secure, customized Community Notification Enrollment webpage that allows Pondera County residents and businesses to voluntarily add or update their contact information, ensuring that they will be included when an emergency message is sent. The contact information you provide remains private and will only be used for emergency notifications.


The CodeRED database may contain some prepopulated information received from public databases, including regional phonebooks. However, residents are encouraged to register online in order to provide the most accurate contact information.



Data to Third Parties


CodeRED is a service of Emergency Communications Network, which takes security and privacy concerns very seriously. They will not sell, trade, lease, or loan any information citizens supply to third parties.





Please contact Disaster & Emergency Services if you need assistance with registration or have questions.




2025 Pondera County Montana

(406) 271-4000

(406) 271-4070

20 4th Avenue SW, Conrad, MT 59425

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