Clerk of District Court

elected Clerk of District Court
Laurie Eisenzimer
(R) 2025-2028
20 4th Avenue SW, Suite 301, Conrad, Montana 59425-2307
(located on the top floor of the Courthouse)
Laurie Eisenzimer, Clerk of District Court
(406) 271-4026
(406) 271-4081 fax
Harley Wade, Deputy
(406) 271-4028
(406) 271-4081 fax
Monday - Friday; 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
(excluding holidays)
The Clerk of District Court is the official keeper of all District Court records for Pondera County. These records include Adoption, Civil, Criminal, Dependent Neglect, Domestic Relations, Guardianship, Juvenile, Paternity, Probate, and Sanity Cases. The Clerk also issues, files, and records all Pondera County marriage license applications and licenses. The Clerk of District Court’s office is also authorized to process passport applications.
Clerk of District Court records date back to 1919 and until 2008 were maintained in books. All records filed after 2008 are accessible by computer search.
The majority of all Clerk of Court records are open to the public. It is the Clerk of Court’s responsibility to ensure accurate and up-to-date records. Searches, copies, and certified copies are provided upon request. Fees for searches and copies are charged according to statute.
The Clerk of District Court also serves as Jury Commissioner for Pondera County. As required by statute, each May the Secretary of State provides a combined list of registered voters, licensed drivers, and holders of Montana ID cards to the Clerk of District Court. This list is stored and maintained electronically and it is from this list that jurors are pulled for the City, Justice, and District Court Judges. It is the Clerk’s duty to maintain an accurate listing of all selected jurors and to pull individual jury panels for the District Court Judges upon request.
While the Clerk of District Court’s office is pleased to assist you in any way possible, please understand that we are unable to provide legal advice. If you need legal advice, please contact an attorney.