Attorney / Public Administrator

elected County Attorney / Public Administrator
Shari Lennon
(R) 2023-2026
20 4th Avenue SW, Suite 315, Conrad, Montana 59425-2342
(located on the top floor of the Courthouse)
Shari Lennon, County Attorney
(406) 271-4050
(406) 271-4034 fax
Rose M. Johns, Paralegal
(406) 271-4050
(406) 271-4034 fax
(406) 271-4050
(406) 271-4034 fax
Monday - Friday; 8:00 am - 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
(excluding holidays)
The County Attorney is an elected official who represents Pondera County and the State of Montana in criminal and civil legal matters. The County Attorney directs the prosecution of all felony and misdemeanor cases that originate within the county. In this position, the County Attorney is responsible for providing legal advice to county departments and handling county civil claims. The County Attorney also represents the State of Montana in civil matters such as juvenile cases, Youth in Need of Care cases, involuntary commitments, and guardianships. The County Attorney may also act as a special prosecutor for other counties and state agencies.